About Me

I am interested in Computational and Applied Mathematics and would like to study mathematical theory and develop numerical methods based on applications in Condensed Matter Physics, Mechanics and Medical Science. I am advised by Prof Luskin at UMN and most of my interests go into numerical analysis, applied analysis, mathematical physics related to quantum material science and quantum technology.

For scientific computing, I am interested in applying new computational tools including AI, supercomputers as well as quantum computer to solve scientific problems.

I am organizing a QEC seminar to understand how close is fault-tolerant quantum computer to our life during Summer 2024 and Spring 2024.

Research Focus of this month:

  1. TMD

  2. Quantum Algorithms

Inspired by working with scientists, advances in HPC and advances in experimental physics, I believe the high quality quantum data is gradually available and how to use these quantum data smartly with Machine Learning could be a task to look into.